Here are the recordings and attachments from calls held in FFY2023
CTW Tour Through the Two WA SNAP-Ed Websites
The CTW team drives a tour through both the WA SNAP-Ed Providers site and Live Well site. Important pieces of each page are pointed out and resources are showcased. CTW will continue to make improvements of both websites to make them more accessible and user-friendly.
Note: This Friday Forum was originally scheduled for 10/14/22 and was rescheduled.
Here are the PowerPoint slides:
Basic Food Basics
Teams from DSHS and Within Reach explain what is and is not allowable within SNAP-Ed as it related to applying for SNAP benefits. Josh, Tara, and Benito share what it means to do SNAP outreach and how SNAP-Ed can partner and coordinate with other agencies doing SNAP outreach.
Here are the PowerPoint slides:
Food Meal Equivalency Training
Nils Johnson from Rural Resources describes and demonstrates an innovative way to measure food in high volume settings, such as food banks. Rather than taking pure weight of food items, this new tool assesses items by a nutrient score.
Here are the PowerPoint slides (containing additional slides that Nils did not present):
Hunger Policy Update
Join Claire Lane and Christina Wong as they share an update on statewide and federal policy issues that impact SNAP-Ed participants.
Here are the PowerPoint slides:
WA SNAP-Ed Needs Assessment
The WA SNAP-Ed Evaluation Team provided great information about the WA SNAP-Ed Statewide Needs Assessment process and results!
Jamboard from the presentation:
Presentation Slides:
Feedback Poll:
USDA Resources for SNAP-Ed Participants
The CTW team highlights some USDA programs that the SNAP-eligible audience may also qualify for, in addition to SNAP-Ed. A lively Q&A session followed their quick presentation.
Presentation Slides:
Other Resources:
Resources for Working within the Foster Care System
Sarah Kinnear from Kitsap Public Health District gives an overview of the foster care system in Washington and how SNAP-Ed can play a role. Monica Bhagwan from Leah’s Pantry then shares about a new curriculum designed specifically for this audience.
Presentation Slides:
Resources for Working with Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding
Shevonne Tsegaye from DOH, Katie Smith from YNHS, and Courtney Pinter from MultiCare share about different resources around the state to support lactation. They also offer some ideas for how people in SNAP-Ed can get involved in this work.
Presentation Slides:
Other Resources:
Farmers Market Nutrition Program
Join Steven Strong from DOH and Colleen Donovan from WSFMA in talking about the new change to electronic Farmers Market Nutrition Program benefits (E-FMNP).
Additional Resources:
- E-FMNP Help Phone Numbers
Braiding additional funding into SNAP-Ed work through local
purchasing grants
Join our presenters from WSDA and OSPI to hear about how to incorporate additional funding into SNAP-Ed work and learn about some upcoming opportunities!