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MyPlate in Practice

MyPlate in Practice

Introduction to the Curriculum

MyPlate in Practice introduces basic nutrition concepts and encourages physical activity and healthy eating using the Experiential Learning Model.  Lesson-specific objectives are found at the beginning of each lesson.  Objectives describe what students should know and be able to do after each lesson.

MyPlate in Practice key behavioral outcomes include:

  • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables, eat whole grains, and switch to fat-free or low-fat milk products, and eat lean protein.
  • Increase physical activity and reduce time spent in sedentary behaviors as part of a healthy lifestyle and preventive disease strategies.
  • Lower consumption of foods high in sugar and salt.

Resources have been developed to help educators plan programming using MyPlate in Practice in their communities. An overview is available and lesson assessment tools have been developed for all lessons.

Curriculum Trainings

Live (upcoming)

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Recorded Webinar

Lesson Assessment Tools

Additional Resources & Downloads

Lessons & Handouts


Posters & Materials

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