Activity Sticks
Make Your Own!
Activity Sticks are a great brain break activity that gets people moving! Just make a quick set yourself and use them anytime you need to move.
You can order a set of activity sets by using the order form below:
New Nutrition Facts Label
The FDA has made changes to the Nutrition Facts Label. This is already in place, but it may still be unfamiliar to some people.
Below are resources you can use to help participants better understand the new label:
- Food Label for Healthy Eating (from PSSC) (.pdf)
- Show Me the Sugar (WA SNAP-Ed version)
- Show Me the Sugar – Fillable (WA SNAP-Ed Version)
- Understand a Food Label (.docx)
- Food Label Math (.docx)
- The Original Food Label and the New Food Label (.docx)
High Speed Hand Washing Resources
SNAP-Ed educators often teach participants about the healthy habit of proper hand-washing. Here are some resources shared from WSU Mason County that may help you more easily incorporate this valuable skill into your lessons.